Voicecompo 20070222
X'th Voicecompetition |
Channel: #dagisdata |
Startingtime: 2007/02/22 14:15 |
Endingtime: 2007/03/15 08:48 |
Contestants: 77 |
Supervisor/Judge: martbhell |
Voicecompetition #x (commemorating mr X's previous win)
This competition's name is still under discussion. The reason why it doesn't follow in order because there was one or two voicecomps between this and the one in the spring of 2005. All that's left is a paint-painted trophy.
Update 07-03-15: The name became ^^ with the addition of (commemorating) because that's what the Gods decided during the annual Foothill competition. Two feet are thrown down a relatively steep slope (hill) and the first to reach the ass of the relateively steep slope wins. Cave? No I think not, more like a cavity but a little thicker and more moist.
The #dagisdata (as in the IRC-channel)have changed greatly since last time we had a (fairly) documented competition. The userbase is almost double, we now have kvinnor in the channel! Thus, of course, one of the proposed prices was in fact one of them, see voicecompetition for things like that. Although the administration must say that we're not forcing anything on anybody, unless they got it coming.
The mirkkers are still primarily the students or alumni of Datanätteknik. See dagisdata or the quote of eightbits below.
Another change in this round will hopefully be the amount of time it takes for the IRC-gods to pick out a winner. This because of the great amount of "people" in the channel. If somebody want to keep track of who's out and not all the way from the beginning, please do. I'll add some worth mentioning whenever. If you see somebody get smacked by the peer, please add it here in some nice way. I suggest using < pre></ pre>, just make sure that this entry looks good in 1024x768. :D
19:49:24 [Users #dagisdata] |
14:15:05 [@L ] [+cluster- ] [+elpedro ] [+kopt ] [+ravenlord ] [+Squeaky|Ds ] 14:15:05 [+[EYE]klew ] [+crippan ] [+Elyxi ] [+LasseLoL ] [+reaper-- ] [+StKJ ] 14:15:05 [+\Azash ] [+d9 ] [+emmy ] [+lep_rocker ] [+reaper-_ ] [+Swapper ] 14:15:05 [+alcie ] [+dagisbot ] [+Falcon| ] [+lo0 ] [+rev0r ] [+Toastmaster] 14:15:05 [+aneki ] [+darkie- ] [+fidde| ] [+Major_Meatbone] [+revie ] [+Trixxter ] 14:15:05 [+bamsegrill] [+dhym0n ] [+. ] [+mange ] [+rF|nedde ] [+virus84| ] 14:15:05 [+bdM ] [+diji_ ] [+Frostig ] [+martbhell ] [+RoBeRy ] [+XanQio ] 14:15:05 [+boxi_ ] [+dinet ] [+habomaster] [+nevergreen ] [+Rudis ] [+Xerxers ] 14:15:05 [+Calleman ] [+Dr_DooM ] [+Hayabusa ] [+ninjatendo ] [+S-Byberg ] [+zector ] 14:15:05 [+carro ] [+Dyng_ ] [+Itzakk ] [+oidia ] [+s1lver ] [+zondar ] 14:15:05 [+Cee ] [+Eagle` ] [+karl_ ] [+pepino ] [+schema-bot] [+ZooZ ] 14:15:05 [+Chewie ] [+ecce_ ] [+kash ] [+prozzerg ] [+sebbeklang] [+zorco ] 14:15:05 [+cloX ] [+eightbits] [+keerd ] [+rapideye ] [+Squeaky ] 14:15:05 [!] Irssi: #dagisdata: Total of 77 nicks [1 ops, 76 voices, 0 normal] |
22/2 Teh Begin!
The administration looks at this with oblide eyes! Ba dape!
14:43:02 [!] crippan_ [~crippan@c-5adbe255.512-4-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #dagisdata
14:43:05 <+d9> hahahaha
14:43:06 < dape> moahaha
14:44:38 < crippan_> fusk o rycka kablar
14:48:21 [!] crippan [~crippan@c-5adbe255.512-4-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has quit [Ping timeout]
16:29:47 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: +carro 16:33:42 [!] aneki [~Aneki@Z-95][Aneki.users.quakenet.org] has quit [Read error: EOF from client] 16:39:46 [!] ZooZ [ZooZ@ZooZ.users.quakenet.org] has quit [Ping timeout] 16:52:27 [!] emmy [emmy@liten.pocketneger.org] has quit [Ping timeout]
20:01:10 [Users #dagisdata] 20:01:10 [!] Irssi: #dagisdata: Total of 85 nicks [1 ops, 68 voices, 16 normal]
20:01:11 <+eightbits> prozzerg tror ju att jag är en ekonom
20:01:46 < carro> vilken diss
20:01:52 <+eightbits> jag spelar inte wow, jag spelar inget överhuvudtaget, jag kan inte koppla nätverk, jag kan inte linux, jag kan inte programmera, det enda jag är bra på är photoshop och illustrator :P
20:02:17 <+eightbits> jag festar nästan jämt ute, är med i skolstyrelsen, är med i HI LIFE och jobbar på helgerna hemhemma.
20:02:22 <+eightbits> Typ så onördig en man kan bli :P
22:00:26 [!] schema-bot [prozzerg@c83-252-108-218.bredband.comhem.se] has quit [Read error: EOF from client] 22:14:58 [!] Xerxers [Xerxers@c83-252-106-40.bredband.comhem.se] has quit [Signed off] 22:33:38 [!] Frostig [bounty@host107-59.junet.se] has left #dagisdata [] 22:54:21 [!] Toastmaster [apiz@[eZ]Toastmaster.users.quakenet.org] has quit [Signed off] 23:13:43 [!] Dr_DooM [~dr_doom@adsl-3e74f7d7.gavlenet.com] has quit [Quit: Even Death May Die...] 23:34:24 [!] dhym0n [~dhym0n@vaxjo5.200.cust.blixtvik.net] has left #dagisdata [] 23:34:43 [!] dhym0n [~dhym0n@vaxjo5.200.cust.blixtvik.net] has joined #dagisdata 23:35:34 < dhym0n> haha jasså voicecomp och jag råkar ta part
04:12:53 [!] zorco [~zorco@ua-83-227-189-4.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has quit [Ping timeout] 07:54:34 [Users #dagisdata] 07:54:34 [!] Irssi: #dagisdata: Total of 71 nicks [1 ops, 59 voices, 11 normal]
"76 dagisar satt på en gren. 17 föll av, så var de bara 59." - Samuel L. Jackson om Voicecompo!
10:41:48 [!] Elyxi [~a@rainbow.ext.hb.se] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:38:22 [!] martbhell [lucifer@villhasex.nu] has quit [Read error: EOF from client]
NOOO TEH KING HAS FALLEN :/ stoopid ass mofo.. bitch.. punk.. *hides under something small*
The Fall of Heiz
19:00:25 [!] leparDMan, Cee,habomaster cluster-, virus84|,zondar,mange,Rudis,Itzakk has quit 19:00:32 <+prozzerg> baj baj heiz :DDDDD 19:00:33 [!] ninjatendo,sebbeklang,ecce_ ,Squeaky|Ds,rF|nedde,karl_ ,boxi_ has quit 19:00:37 < d9> hahahah 19:00:37 *** prozzerg vinkar 19:00:39 <+rev0r> lol fan va många de är 19:00:48 <+rev0r> där åkte en del på voicecompot ;) 19:00:54 < d9> jag tror att nån fuskat 19:00:54 < d9> :D 19:01:02 <+prozzerg> inte jag den här gången 19:01:09 < d9> säkert? 19:01:10 <+prozzerg> ja 19:01:35 [!] LasseLoL,Major_Meatbone
But the greatestest of all was when eightbits couldn't log on to lunarstorm:
19:02:14 <+eightbits> oj 19:02:15 <+eightbits> inte junet med 19:02:17 <+rev0r> du kan ju hoppas på att inte junet dör, prozzerg ;) 19:02:18 <+eightbits> inte junet 19:02:19 < d9> :D 19:02:19 <+lo0> ok 19:02:20 <+eightbits> INTE JUNET!!!! 19:02:43 <+eightbits> jag kommer inte in på msn 19:02:46 [!] Frostig [bounty@host107-59.junet.se] has quit [Ping timeout] 19:02:50 <+eightbits> uh oh 19:02:52 <+rev0r> två down 19:02:53 <+eightbits> jag åker nog snart 19:02:53 <+rev0r> :] 19:02:59 [!] Squeaky [~sdf@host108-32.junet.se] has quit [Ping timeout]
^^ Squeaky is no longer in leadzor :/
12:03:33 [Users #dagisdata] 12:03:33 [@L ] [+. ] [+RoBeRy ] [ d9 ] [ keerd ] [ Rudis ] 12:03:33 [+alcie ] [+Hayabusa ] [+s1lver ] [ Dr_DooM ] [ LasseLoL ] [ schema-bot ] 12:03:33 [+bamsegrill] [+lo0 ] [+StKJ ] [ Eagle` ] [ leparDMan ] [ sebbeklang ] 12:03:33 [+bdM ] [+nevergreen] [+Swapper ] [ ecce_ ] [ Lionh3art- ] [ Squeaky ] 12:03:33 [+cloX ] [+pepino ] [+Trixxter] [ Elyxi ] [ Ljus-Chewie ] [ Squeaky|Ds ] 12:03:33 [+dagisbot ] [+prozzerg ] [+zector ] [ Fali ] [ Lurk[oO] ] [ Toastmaster] 12:03:33 [+darkie- ] [+rapideye ] [ aneki ] [ fidde| ] [ Major_Meatbone] [ virus84| ] 12:03:33 [+diji_ ] [+ravenlord ] [ boxi_ ] [ Frostig ] [ mange- ] [ yber4sen ] 12:03:33 [+dinet ] [+reaper-- ] [ Calleman] [ habomaster] [ martbhell ] [ zondar ] 12:03:33 [+eightbits ] [+reaper-_ ] [ carro ] [ Itzakk ] [ ninjatendo ] [ zorco ] 12:03:33 [+elpedro ] [+rev0r ] [ Cee ] [ karl_ ] [ oidia ] 12:03:33 [+Falcon| ] [+revie ] [ cluster-] [ kash ] [ rF|nedde ] 12:03:33 [!] Irssi: #dagisdata: Total of 70 nicks [1 ops, 29 voices, 40 normal]
15:36:36 [Users #dagisdata] 15:36:36 [!] Irssi: #dagisdata: Total of 69 nicks [1 ops, 24 voices, 44 normal] alcie. elpedro Hayabusa +reaper-_ zector droppat!
10:27:39 [!] RoBeRy [~robert@] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 19:54:15 [!] pepino [~henrik@pepino.users.quakenet.org] has quit [EOF from client] 20:43:08 [!] bdM [bdM@bdM.users.quakenet.org] has quit [Ping timeout]
27/2 First Banana-!
12:39:47 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: d9, Xerxers, +dinet, +Falcon| 12:39:54 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: +darkie-, Toastmaster, +eightbits, +prozzerg, +s1lver, aneki, +dagisbot, +rapideye, schema-bot, +reaper-- 12:39:59 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: Elyxi, bdM, +Swapper, alcie, elpedro, ninjatendo, mange-, Squeaky, Itzakk 12:40:05 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: XanQio, [EYE]klew, Ljus-Chewie, +lo0, ZooZ, +nevergreen, crippan, carro 12:40:17 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: +rev0r, Acron 12:40:26 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: oidia, keerd, +ravenlord 12:40:42 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: Fali, Trixxter, +bamsegrill, +StKJ, +diji_, emmy
And when the -Split came back, only three lost their voices: StKj, diji and bamsegrill.
- D:DD:d.d.d.D::D
13:53:03 [!] Irssi: #dagisdata: Total of 65 nicks [0 ops, 16 voices, 49 normal]
21:29:31 [!] clox [magnus@clan-sm.dk] has quit [Excess Flood] 21:30:17 [!] clox [magnus@clan-sm.dk] has joined #dagisdata
Clox pwnt himself with a flood :D
04:18:42 [!] ravenlord [ravenlord@loves.mellowland.net] has quit [Ping timeout]
21:14:58 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: clox, ravenlord, Loffe, d9, crippan, bdM 21:15:04 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: Fali 21:15:27 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: +prozzerg, Elyxi, +reaper--, dape, +rapideye, +eightbits, +Swapper, +s1lver 21:15:31 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: Hayabusa, +darkie-, Toastmaster, +dagisbot, schema-bot
21:47:49 < prozzerg> /names 21:47:54 < prozzerg> w00t 21:48:03 < prozzerg> me just lost :E 22:11:17 < d9> värsta långa splitten
ProzZerg, eightbits n swapper dropped out in this split that was longer than your average 2min split :?.
2/3 fast changes
dagisbot, darkie-, rapideye, reaper--, s1lver all decided to drop out.. shame on you!
15:33:14 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: Elyxi, clox, +reaper--, +rapideye, eightbits, +s1lver 15:33:14 [!] eightbit1 [eightbits@host108-104.junet.se] has joined #dagisdata 15:33:23 [!] Netsplit over, joins: reaper--, s1lver 15:33:32 < prozzerg> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzQWLSYxa90 15:33:48 < eightbit1> vafan hände nu då 15:33:50 < prozzerg> och där tappade vi tre voices till 15:34:11 < eightbit1> varför droppade min? :S 15:34:38 < carro> vadå jag har inte haft bröllopsnatt än!!!!!!!!!!!1111 15:34:55 < prozzerg> in your face, carro 15:35:04 [!] Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: schema-bot, Eagle`, dape, Swapper, +darkie-, Toastmaster, yber4sen, +dagisbot 15:35:14 [!] Netsplit over, joins: yber4sen 15:35:28 [!] Netsplit over, joins: dape 15:35:28 [!] clox [magnus@clan-sm.dk] has joined #dagisdata 15:35:33 <+lo0> wohoo 15:35:51 < prozzerg> vilken jädra fitt-tur du har hela tiden, lo0 15:35:56 [!] Netsplit over, joins: dagisbot 15:35:56 < dagisbot> Let's get ready to edit! 15:36:15 <+lo0> vadå tur 15:36:21 <+lo0> äg 15:36:34 *** prozzerg hejar på rev0r
! 12:52:54 [Users #dagisdata] 12:52:54 [@L ] [ carro ] [ elpedro ] [ leparDMan ] [ ravenlord ] [ Swapper ] 12:52:54 [+dinet ] [ Cee ] [ Elyxi ] [ Ljus-Chewie ] [ reaper-- ] [ Toastmaster] 12:52:54 [+Falcon| ] [ clox ] [ emmy ] [ Lurk[oO] ] [ RoBeRy ] [ Trixxter ] 12:52:55 [+lo0 ] [ cluster- ] [ Fali ] [ Major_Meatbone] [ Rudis ] [ virus84| ] 12:52:55 [+nevergreen] [ clx ] [ fiphi ] [ mange- ] [ S-Byberg ] [ XanQio ] 12:52:55 [+rev0r ] [ d9 ] [ habomaster] [ martbhell ] [ s1lver ] [ zondar ] 12:52:55 [+revie ] [ Dalvik_Special] [ Hayabusa ] [ nedde ] [ schema-bot] [ zorco ] 12:52:55 [ alcie ] [ darkie- ] [ Itzakk ] [ ninjatendo ] [ sebbeklang] [ zwoop ] 12:52:55 [ bamsegrill] [ Dr_DooM ] [ karl_ ] [ oidia ] [ Squeaky ] 12:52:55 [ bdM ] [ ecce_ ] [ keerd ] [ ProzZerg ] [ Squeaky|Ds] 12:52:55 [ boxi ] [ eightbits ] [ LasseLoL ] [ rapideye ] [ StKJ ] 12:52:55 [!] Irssi: #dagisdata: Total of 63 nicks [1 ops, 6 voices, 56 normal]
Haha, ph00led ya. No really: something major major has happened. It all started on a dark Monday night around 00:17 when the discussion of the oh so important money came up. The individual that the voicecompo-administration hold responsible for this outbreak in Oology and distrust is Rudis. I hereby present to you the logs of this incriminating event!:
00:14:37 < Rudis> gutt, 800kr kvar att leva på 00:14:42 < Rudis> smidigt 00:15:06 < carro> jag är rik 00:15:22 < Rudis> vill du gifta dig med mig??? 00:15:37 < Rudis> så kan vi skiljas å jag får hälften 00:15:44 < carro> fu 00:15:45 < Rudis> :) 00:16:15 < carro> så rik är jag inte 00:16:18 < oidia> jag har 320 kvar :D 00:16:51 < oidia> carro: du som har jobb vill inte flytta hit och betala alla mina utgifter? :D 00:16:59 < carro> no way! 00:17:04 < oidia> meh :( 00:17:16 < carro> måste ha pengar till bra saker 00:17:20 < oidia> :P 00:17:22 < sebbeklang> typ klänningar
Besides the fact that the only thing that Rudis have in mind is to in as many ways as possible dispose of the glamorous yet virgin face of #dagisdata by presenting these .. facts. The administration pledges to those hidden who to present themselves, to conjure with this demon can bring an end to this world!
Least but not last, we also find it important to mention sebbeklang's desire for the degenerate of clothes referred to as klänningar. This is in fact, the ultimate proof(hej cluster // växthuseffekten) that sebbeklang is not a man.
7/3 Teh Loose!
03:51:46 [!] dinet [dinet@gigabit.nu] has quit [Signed off]
8/3 Small update, plz don't read
Schh.. Don't tell anymore but uhm.. Falcon dropped out!
13:47:54 [!] Falcon| [falcon@trimix.eklof.eu] has quit [Ping timeout] 13:56:38 < ProzZerg> och Falcon| ute 13:57:02 < ProzZerg> goo rev0r go! 13:57:55 <+rev0r> lol 13:58:01 <+rev0r> 3 pers kvar! 13:58:12 <+rev0r> eller ja 13:58:14 <+rev0r> två :P 13:58:15 <+rev0r> och en bot 13:58:15 <+rev0r> lol 13:59:06 <+rev0r> möte nu ;( 13:59:06 <+rev0r> bbl 13:59:30 <+rev0r> haha lo0 ligger på heiz 13:59:38 <+rev0r> den skiten dör ju titt som tätt 13:59:42 <+rev0r> å blir hackat 13:59:46 <+rev0r> ez match ;P
Also, rev is getting cocky. This must be reprimanded. I suggest a njurtuta in the ass! Sideways! Twisted! Painted Purple!
*faints from overshockage*
11/3 Fourth place handed out!
Quakenet went splitt-zerk-age between 3 and 4 pm today. Pushing one of revs beautiful yet boon clones out of the final.
16:24:37 [!] rev0r [kossan@iiik.org] has joined #dagisdata
Contestants still on: The current leader: lo0. Superbot of all time: nevergreen. rev: the pwnerer.
So now there's only three to go, who will win the grande prize? Who will march on the red carpets through the Capital of their splendid kingdom? Who will sneak in through the dark alleys and buy something old to hide under? Time will tell my faithful readers.. time will tell.
19:22:42 < martbhell> !quote 19:22:44 <+nevergreen> Quote: (18:40:55) (@ProzZerg) _C: yes, redan från barnsben fick vi lära oss. på dagis grävde vi ner syntharna och slog på dem med pinnar 19:23:22 < martbhell> undra vad mer för shit det finns på nevergreen :D 19:23:40 < martbhell> hehe 19:23:35 [!] nevergreen [~hucarro@horcarro.users.quakenet.org] has quit [Read error: EOF from client] 19:23:45 < martbhell> det där var ju jävligt dumt 19:23:50 < martbhell> hahahahah 19:23:52 < martbhell> FITTA 19:23:54 < Frostig> Roligast idag lätt 19:24:03 < eightbits> ahahaha 19:24:15 < eightbits> martbhell pwnd himself BIG TIME :D 19:24:21 *** martbhell går o gömmer sig 19:24:27 < martbhell> damnit :d 19:25:59 [!] nevergreen [~hucarro@horcarro.users.quakenet.org] has joined #dagisdata
.. two to go! lo0 still in the lead :D
<martbhell> Pew pew - Laser fight.
<reaper--> Deflector activated.* Laser bounces off to hit reaper-- in teh arse.
15/3 reapor gets reapod
Some 8+15 days after the start ms. I-CAN-WIN-ON-HEIZ-ALTHOUGH-IT'S-METAPH0RICALLY-IMPOUGHSWSSIBBLE finally pwnt herself and took the pwntway towards deathsplit zone.
08:47:49 [!] lo0 [lo0@heizenberg.ds.karen.hj.se] has quit [*.net *.split] 08:47:49 [!] lo0 [lo0@heizenberg.ds.karen.hj.se] has joined #dagisdata
In celebration of rev's third voice-competition-winner we now have made a new trophy!!!11einz