Voicecompo 20040408

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Second Voicecompetition
Channel: #dagisdata
Startingtime: 2004/04/08 03:00
Endingtime: 2004/04/16 14:45
Contestants: 17
Supervisor/Judge: martbhell

Voicecompetition #2

It all began another lonely night in #dagisdata, ninth of April 2004 at 3.00 am the contestants were sorted out from crowd and the glorious hunt for the one and only voice begun.

19:41:15 [Users #dagisdata]
19:41:15 [@L        ] [+ProzZerg] [+schema-bot   ] [ darkie-  ] [ KnaFFo        ] [ ZnakeyE]
19:41:15 [@martbhell] [+rev     ] [+TRAppERz     ] [ dhym0n   ] [ Major_Meatbone] [ ZwOOp  ]
19:41:15 [+Jacob    ] [+s1lver  ] [ [eZ]ParalyzeD] [ DooM|away] [ reapvoic1     ]
19:41:15 [!] Irssi: #dagisdata: Total of 17 nicks [2 ops, 6 voices, 9 normal]
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- Users for channel #dagisdata
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- Authname         Access flags
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- -----------------------------
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- mart-bhell               amno
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- Discharged               amov
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- [eZ]Toastmaster            ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- KnaFFo                     ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- meatbonemajor             aov
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- prozzerg                   ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- TRAppERz                   ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- dhym0n                     ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- dd-darkie                  ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- kashchei                   ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- reaper-                    ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- [odm]s1lver                ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- TriXter                    ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- albert                     ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- Rev                        ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- [ReDNEcK]                  ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- TRiXTeRo                   ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- QPdarkomen                 ao
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- Jacob                      vg
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- Neman                      vg
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- Dr_DooM                    vg
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- Trollkaka                  vg
02:53:15 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- End of chanlev for #dagisdata.

02:59:09 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- Users for channel #dagisdata
02:59:09 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- Authname         Access flags
02:59:09 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- -----------------------------
02:59:09 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- mart-bhell                 mn
02:59:09 -L(TheLBot@lightweight.quakenet.org)- End of chanlev for #dagisdata.

03:01:55 [Users #dagisdata]
03:01:55 [@L      ] [+Jacob   ] [+Li0nh3art] [+rev       ] [+Toastmaster] [ Major_Meatbone]
03:01:55 [+dhym0n ] [+kashchei] [+ProzZerg ] [+s1lver    ] [+TRAp^Kisa  ] [ martbhell     ]
03:01:55 [+Dr_DooM] [+KnaFFo  ] [+reapvoice] [+schema-bot] [ darkie-    ]
03:01:55 [!] Irssi: #dagisdata: Total of 17 nicks [1 ops, 13 voices, 3 normal]

darkie- and major_meatbone was on host heizenberg. martbhell was on villhasex.nu :)

03:00:53 [se] [!] ..... whois . darkie- [~din@heizenberg.ds.hj.se] []
03:00:53 [se] [!] :   ircname : din mamma
03:00:53 [se] [!] :  channels : +#openbsd.se #freebsd.se +#dagisdata @#aide
03:00:53 [se] [!] :    server : *.quakenet.org [QuakeNet IRC Server]
03:00:53 [se] [!] :           : dd-darkie
03:00:53 [se] [!] :...........:...
03:01:06 [se] [!] ..... whois . Major_Meatbone [~major@heizenberg.ds.hj.se] []
03:01:06 [se] [!] :   ircname :
03:01:06 [se] [!] :  channels : #dagisdata
03:01:06 [se] [!] :    server : *.quakenet.org [QuakeNet IRC Server]
03:01:06 [se] [!] :      away : borta
03:01:06 [se] [!] :...........:...
03:02:41 [se] [!] ..... whois . martbhell [lucifer@villhasex.nu] []
03:02:41 [se] [!] :   ircname : www.martbhell.se
03:02:41 [se] [!] :  channels : #dagisdata
03:02:41 [se] [!] :    server : ludd.se.quakenet.org [Ludd QuakeNet IRC Server]
03:02:41 [se] [!] :           : mart-bhell
03:02:41 [se] [!] :  is bored : 0 days 0 hours 1 mins 31 secs [signon: Wed Apr  7 23:33:04 2004]

And now for the erhm, interesting part.


04:20:51 [!] Dr_DooM [DOOM@hd5e24fc4.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has quit [Read error: EOF from client]
08:34:36 <+dhym0n> going home, gl med voicetävlingen ;)
08:34:50 [!] dhym0n [~dhym0n@gw3.web.thalamus.se] has quit [Signed off]
13:35:49 [!] Li0nh3art [sdf@h254n2fls34o977.telia.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:38:49 <+Toastmaster> Men nu åkte jag hem.
16:38:50 <+Toastmaster> Hej då martbhell.
16:41:18 [!] Toastmaster [nisse@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:27:57 [@L        ] [+KnaFFo   ] [+rev       ] [+TRAp^Kisa    ] [ DooM|away     ] [ WinZiP]
17:27:57 [+Jacob    ] [+ProzZerg ] [+s1lver    ] [ [eZ]ParalyzeD] [ Major_Meatbone]
17:27:57 [+kash|repa] [+reapvoice] [+schema-bot] [ darkie-      ] [ martbhell     ]
17:27:57 [!] Irssi: #dagisdata: Total of 16 nicks [1 ops, 9 voices, 6 normal]


13:17:32 [!] kash|repa [Kashchei@h21n2fls33o873.telia.com] has quit 
[Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:56:12 [!] KnaFFo [Jag@h6n2fls309o1032.telia.com] has quit [Ping timeout]
20:04:52 [Users #dagisdata]
20:04:52 [@L       ] [+reapvoice] [+schema-bot] [ darkie- ] [ KnaFFo        ] [ martbhell]
20:04:52 [+Jacob   ] [+rev      ] [+TRAp^Kisa ] [ Dr_DooM ] [ laprev        ] [ Neman    ]
20:04:52 [+ProzZerg] [+s1lver   ] [ [eZ]PiPe  ] [ kashchei] [ Major_Meatbone] [ ZnakeyE  ]
20:04:52 [!] Irssi: #dagisdata: Total of 18 nicks [1 ops, 7 voices, 10 normal]


19:38:06 [!] reapvoic1 [reaper@] has joined #dagisdata
19:38:25 [!] reapvoice [reaper@] has quit [Ping timeout]


Lost the logs of ProzZerg, schema-bot and s1lver, but ProzZreg and schema-bot took their leave around 9.49 AM.

16/4 - Winner

[14:45:59] * TRAppERz (~trapperz@c833191a.hka.bostream.se) Quit (Ping timeout)
20:12 -!- rev [rev@] has quit [Ping timeout]

And we have a winner, Rev. Around 14:45:59 AM 16th April, the only other person

with a voice lost his.


This was a voicecompetition of the shorter kind, being it only lasted for about eight days and a half.

'Tis the truth! Next voicecompetition started 17th of April. Let's hope it lasts a little longer.

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